BUFFY BERNHARDT, LMSW,  Director NCC                                                                             EMAIL ME

Buffy Bernhardt is a Harvard/Fordham trained licensed holistic-spiritual psychotherapist, visionary teacher of higher truths and consciousness, with a focus on radical life transformation, self mastery, soul alignment. In this spirit, she has created THE AWAKENED HEART SYSTEM ©. Rather than the traditional medical model, she uses the “new medicine”, holistic model of insight for growth, positivity, empowerment, self development, spirituality.

She has a unique background and advanced certifications in: traditional psychology, meditation and spiritual/metaphysical body-mind training. Her work includes working with the whole person, body, mind and spirit. She is known for her intuitive and energy healing gifts and offers a compendium of teachings on universal principals. Buffy’s work is highly successful with issues such as: radical life change and personal transformation, depression, anxiety, emotional imbalance, addictions, abuse, trauma, relationships, personal coaching, spiritual direction and more. 

Her work includes a large “toolbox” of life affirming techniques and practices, drawing heavily upon the knowledge of ancient wisdom and modern masters. Buffy creates a heart-centered relationship with her clients, and focuses on shifting their limiting beliefs and behavior to life altering paradigms of growth and empowerment. She assists the client in mind training, accessing the higher self, the spiritual source within, in which growth and healing can occur, wherein all answers lie. 

Buffy has a rich background in running workshops on a variety of topics. These have included topics such as: women’s awareness and growth, shamanic journeying, spiritual enhancement, celebrating the seasons (solstice, etc).


*positive, transpersonal, humanistic, mindfulness, spiritual psychology   *psychosynthesis

*cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) *spiritual direction and personal-life coaching

*stress management, Relaxation Response, breath work  *body-mind, contemplative practices

*relationship therapy  *past life regression *east/west mysticism, spiritual development, interfaith study

*conception-pregnancy-birth-postpartum issues  *shamanic-visualization-energy healing

*certified meditation instructor

Buffy has had a private psychotherapy-healing-coaching practice in Nyack, New York for 25 years. She has spent the last 40 years studying under prominent self development and spiritual masters from both east and west, living in spiritual centers and participating in numerous certification programs. She received her MSW from Fordham University, has trained at Harvard University and has numerous certifications.


*guest presenter: team teaching psychology PhD students at Brigham Young University, Utah

*participant in Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy Consortium/Research Brigham Young University Project  

*director of SYDA meditation center for over 10 years

*broadcasts internationally on TAU Internet Webcast on spirituality and transformation

*women’s empowerment groups; works in progress: Leukemia Society, Montefiore Medical Center

*stress management prison program *community events for healing and awakening


*Columbia University: “Spirituality and Motherhood”, conference  at NYC Museum of Motherhood

*Brigham Young University, “Spirituality Oriented Psychotherapies”

*Brigham Young University, Consortium of Spiritually Center Psychology and Education.  

*articles/poetry published in: Sedona Magazine, Light Voices, Raven’s Bread.

*A 3-P artist: painter, photographer, potter; has had numerous art shows.